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Childrens Health

Perhaps its a sign of the times and the fast paced environment and pressures that this brings to our lives but we have tended to see more children at the clinic of late with both psychological and physical health problems.

These range from stress (one little girl aged 11 was severely stressed from the pressures she felt she was being subjected to at school), allergies like hay fever (we treat this in one session with the bioresonance), bed wetting (one little boy aged 12 was​ still not having dry beds at all), thumb sucking, skin conditions and hyperactive or depressive behaviour.

Children’s Health and Bioresonance Treatment

Bioresonance Treatment has been in successful use in Eastern Europe for many decades now and notably in Germany Dr P. Schumaker has many years of experience of using bioresonance in treating children.

Many of us operate on a day to day basis suffering with allergies, not realising that you may be exposing yourself to foods (or other adverse energies) that affect how we feel and how we are both mentally and physically.

Allergies produce an imbalance in our bodies and can stress the body and burden the immune system. The symptoms of allergies can include tiredness, headache, oedema, skin rash and itching, blocked nose, itchy eyes, digestive problems, depression and hyperactivity in children

Dr. P. Schumacher in Germany has had many years experience in treating children with bioresonance, he states:

Bioresonance treatment seems ideal for use in paediatrics.

The methods used are definitely not harmful and have no undesirable side effects.

It is simple to use, and in no way stressful to the child.

It can be used for acute or chronic and organic or functional diseases and it produces convincing successes.

Bioresonance Treatment is particularly suited for the following conditions:

1. Allergy-related disorders

2. Acute otitis media (middle ear infections)

3. Asthma

4. Catarrh infections

5. Abdominal/digestive complaints

6. Hay Fever

The most common allergies are to wheat (certain bread products in particular), dairy products, cow's milk and eggs etc;. With the ever increasing ‘additives’ and colourings that we see in food there can also potentially be adverse reactions to these too, (i.e. the ‘e’ number additives, artificial colours and preservatives etc;) particularly in children whose immune systems are not as robust or as developed as adults. Many times hyper activity and the ADHD (see 1. below) syndrome symptoms that are seen in children can be put down to the food diet.

1. Children with ADHD may have an imbalance in the neurotransmitters in the front part of the brain. Some doctors believe they don't have enough of a neurotransmitter called dopamine. Children with ADHD may also lack the neurotransmitter noradrenaline.

Treatments for ADHD generally include drugs and talking treatments. Bioresonance treatment provides a natural way to balance any adverse elements in any specific or associated areas without recourse to any drugs to effect a solution.

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