UpperStorey Care Clinic
A Clinic that helps to heal naturally.
Offering a positive approach to health, wellbeing and balance.
Stop Smoking Now!
Our Stop Smoking Treatment -
Our bioresonance detox and hypnotherapy treatment is unique and a proven way for you to stop smoking. (Bioresonance as seen on BBC News TV)
There are no side effects and the treatments are completely safe and painless.
We use the bioresonance detox alongside our advanced hypnotherapy (or it can be used separately) giving you the best chance you will ever have to quit smoking.
These two therapies alone have been statistically proven to be the most successful, powerful and easiest way to help you quit.
A success rate in excess of 95%
You Have Nothing To Lose Except Your Habit!
UpperStorey Care Clinic is the only clinic in Hereford and Worcester to offer bioresonance treatment. There has been in excess of 10,000 smokers now successfully treated in the UK with bioresonance to quit smoking.
There have been hundreds of thousands of people helped to quit smoking with hypnotherapy
Remove the physical cravings AND the mental habit
Our bioresonance detox and hypnotherapy treatments have been uniquely tailored, after many years of helping people quit, to remove the mental and physical cravings and habits of why you smoke and looks to completely remove the craving for cigarettes or tobacco in any form
Breaks 'the mental and physical habit' of smoking, a natural detox process of both mind and body, leaving you craving and nicotine free
The treatment has been designed to effectively help physically detox your body of nicotine, and also remove the mental habits leaving you as if you had never smoked
It doesn't matter what 'type' of smoker you are - here are a few examples of people who have quit smoking with our treatments -
Neil from Worcester smoked 120 cigarettes a day! and stopped after 1 treatment with no cravings, 3 years later he is still not smoking.
Kevin James from Worcester smoked 40 roll ups a day and stopped after 1 treatment with no cravings, he is still not smoking after more than 18 months.
Andy Fox quit after 1 treatment and went straight down the pub with no cravings - 12 months on he is still not smoking.
Keith from Worcester was a habitual 30 to 40 a day man, he quit after two treatments, he is still not smoking.
Caroline travelled from Birmingham for the treatment, she was a 'dependent smoker' and quit after one session with no cravings
Louisa travelled from London to quit after one session with no cravings........
They now recommend us to the smokers who want to quit like yourself (See their testimonials)
Bioresonance treatment was featured on BBC national and local TV news, Channel 4's Richard & Judy, in the Daily Telegraph and the News Of The World.
If you have tried to give up smoking before using other methods or have tried hypnotherapy and it has not worked for you then there is now a breakthrough alternative. For heavy smokers (more than 40 cigarettes a day then a second session is provided free of charge, if required, to completely remove any traces of nicotine from the system).
Can you finally imagine yourself with no desire to smoke!
Simply ring now to book your date to quit smoking
01886 833741
Stop Smoking Now - Testimonials
Our Stop Smoking Treatment has worked for these people, take a look below to see what they had to say. Now it's time to let it work for you. Simply pick up the 'phone and book your date to quit smoking now
Latest Testimonials
Hi Kevin
So far so good, very few cravings and those that I have had have been easy to deal with. I have listened to the CD every day not sure how much is going in, I tend to fall asleep but I have to say feel very relaxed after. Chris has been amazed, I think he was dreading it, as when I have given up smoking in the past I become horrible especially to him, he said yesterday that if I was anymore relaxed I'd be in a coma!.
So thank you very much, you gave all and much more than was offered on your website.
Kind Regards - Amanda Harker - Worcs
Hi Kevin
It`s been 3 years today that Helen & myself came to your clinic and we have not smoked 1 cigarette in that time,we would like to say again a big THANK YOU.
Hope you are well. Norma Helen and of course Ron
Hi Kevin,
It was 5 weeks on Saturday since i came to see you and still have not smoked. I have finished listening to the CD now and feel great. Me and matt are going to New York for New Year as by that time i would have saved around ££s, from not smoking so i am treating myself!
Hope you are well and still hearing success stories from your clients.
I cant thank you enough - its a miracle!!
Elizabeth Hill (Lizzy - Non Smoker) #
Hi Kevin.
Just to thank you once again for all of your help in helping me giving up smoking.
My wife feels very strongly about giving up and has exhausted all other self-help (patches etc). She feels that she can't do it on will-power alone. Therefore would it be possible for her to book with you? Could you let us know when you are available?
Many thanks again
NB: Gareth's wife, above, booked in and came to me a week later and she quit too.
Hi Kevin
It`s been 2 years today that Helen and myself came to your clinic and we have not smoked 1 cigarette in that time, we would like to say a big THANK YOU.
Norma & Helen - Swansea
Hi Kevin, Things have been amazing, Sunday Evening I was out with a guy that Smoked, I even went outside with him for smoke breaks and felt nothing but disgusted by them, I have felt great ever since my visit, its as if I had never smoked, even though I know I did. I almost feel it would be Harder to smoke one now than it was to give up in the first place.
All the old feelings I had about smoking have gone, I can now survive a whole working day without even noticing I am not smoking, the whole Psychological thing has gone, I walk past people in the street that are smoking and Smell that terrible smell.....(which is great)...I havent smoked one since that Saturday, I know its only been less than 2 weeks, but the ease of which the time has passed has convinced me that the Smoking Habit is now finally gone..
Many Thanks again Kevin, you are a genius...
(Oh and by the way, there will be quite a few Colleagues and friends contacting you very soon)
Ross Vincent - South Wales (an EX-Smoker)
I have tried various methods to quit smoking, all unsuccessful I might add! I was given Kevin Garrington's number and having no experience of hypnotherapy before, I was a little bit sceptical. Kevin informed me that I would have no cravings and feel different about smoking once I had finished my consultation. He is true to his word, I no longer crave a cigarette and feel better within myself. Thank you Kevin, I feel more healthy, I am better off and don't have to be reliant on nicotine.
Andrew Holder - Bromsgrove
Age 34
Hi Kevin,
Cannot believe it, Yes I am still euphoric I have not had a cigarette, cant say I have even wanted to try, and have had no cravings at all, odd feeling that I know I did smoke but can't understand why it is so easy? Felt absolutely fine while Mom was smoking on Saturday evening (you may have another client) and it did not bother me.
Have not yet listened to the CD but feel really great that I DO NOT SMOKE!!!!!!!!!
Kind regards,
Caroline - Birmingham
Hi Kevin, Just wanted to let you know since our session, I haven't had a cigarette. It has been amazing how there has been no cravings and I couldn't recommend the treatment enough to people if they want to give up.
Thank you again to you and Jennifer for making us feel so welcome.
Kind regards Louisa - London
"Hi Kevin, Henry here. I came to see you about 8 months ago to stop smoking. The good news is I have still not had a cigarette and can’t see that I ever will. Just wanted to say thanks".
"It is nearly 10 months since my daughter and myself came to seen you in than time we have not smoked 1 cigarette, and we would like to thank you for what you did for us".
Thank You
Norma & Helen, Swansea
"It's been 24 hours since my last cigarette and I couldn't feel better! I left last night feeling on top of the world, and the feeling still hasn't gone! So, whatever you did it has worked, and I don't envy my girlfriend for doing it cold turkey, the old fashioned way. I even managed the pub straight after getting home last night, and I really didn't even want to smoke!!!! Very odd!?!?!?!!
So, THANKYOU!!!!!!! I would most definitely recommend your services. You've already been recommended to about 10 people".
Mr A. Jones, Worcs
"Many thanks, to date three and a half weeks later I have not had a cigarette and I have had no cravings at all. With the added bioresonance it was just what was needed to back up the hypnotherapy. My taste is returning and boy, do I smell better, it'll make my job enforcing the new smoking legislation so much easier now. Many thanks its worked for me".
Andy Fox, Worcs
Counting the Costs - Personal
The costs of smoking, to your finances and to your health. It is estimated that an average 20 a day smoker will spend more than £100,000 on cigarettes in their lifetime!
Smoking has more than 50 ways of making life a misery through illness and more than 20 ways of killing you. In general, smokers endure poorer health than non-smokers. It has been estimated that, in England , 364,000 patients are admitted to NHS hospitals each year due to diseases caused by smoking.
One in two long-term smokers will die prematurely as a result of smoking – half of these in middle age. The most recent estimates show that around 114,000 people in the UK are killed by smoking every year, accounting for one fifth of all UK deaths. Most die from one of the three main diseases associated with cigarette smoking: lung cancer, chronic obstructive lung disease (bronchitis and emphysema) and coronary heart disease.
The good news is, the risk of these can greatly be reduced by giving up smoking with Bioresonance therapy within 24 hours. The immediate health benefits are:
after 8 hours carbon monoxide is eliminated from your body
after 72 hours breathing becomes easier
after 2 to 12 weeks circulation improves
after 3-9 months your lung function is improved up to 10%
after 5 years the risk of heart attack falls to half that of a smoker and after 10 years the risk of lung cancer falls to that of a non-smoker.
your friends and family members are not exposed to passive smoking anymore
The financial costs of smoking is not just the money spent on cigarettes, but also increased health care costs. The table below indicates what a smoker will spend on cigarettes over a number of years, based on the cost of popular brands at approximately £5 per pack of 20.
Years of smoking
The UpperStorey Care Clinic can be reached easilly from the following local areas - Stop Smoking Bioresonance Therapy Worcester, Stop Smoking Bioresonance Therapy Malvern, Stop Smoking Bioresonance Therapy Hereford, Stop Smoking Bioresonance Therapy Droitwich, Stop Smoking Bioresonance Therapy Bromsgrove, Stop Smoking Bioresonance Therapy Birmingham, Stop Smoking Bioresonance Therapy Kidderminster, Stop Smoking Bioresonance Therapy Ross-on-Wye, Stop Smoking Bioresonance Therapy Ledbury, Stop Smoking Bioresonance Therapy West Midlands - Bioresonance Therapy for Allergies, Addictions, Food Intolerances, Pain Control, Skin Conditions. Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy Worcester, Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy Malvern, Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy Hereford, Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy Redditch, Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy Bromsgrove, Stop smoking Hypnotherapy Droitwich, Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy Birmingham, Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy Kidderminster, Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy Ross-on-Wye, Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy Ledbury, Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy West Midlands, Stop Smoking Worcester, Stop Smoking Malvern, Stop Smoking Droitwich, Stop Smoking Hereford, Stop Smoking Bromsgrove, Stop Smoking Redditch, Stop Smoking Birmingham, Stop Smoking Kidderminster, Stop Smoking Ross-on-Wye, Stop Smoking Ledbury, Stop Smoking West Midlands